Bookvid makes it easy for experts and solopreneurs to monetize their expertise with a single platform

Bookvid makes it easy for experts and solopreneurs to monetize their expertise with a single platform
Monetize your expertise with Boo

Individuals with expertise in a variety of fields, such as business consulting, health, and entrepreneurship, are looking to create additional sources of income. While there are many tools available, these tools are separate and do not integrate with each other.

Bringing it together: Bookvid brings video calls, calendar availability, payments, and a landing page together into a single platform. You can have a 1:1 call or call with a large group. The product is free to use, but there is a low 4% platform fee.

Here's an example of Chef Monica Glass where you can book time with her.

Why this matters: Consulting is growing, and more and more individuals like nutritionists, designers, and business consultants are looking to monetize their knowledge and skills. Current tools made it hard, but with Bookvid it's easy to use a single platform to monetize your skills.

Bookvid 1:1 call

While Bookvid is not the only tool, it is the most affordable. Intro also offers a similar service, but Bookvid's fee of 4% is much lower than Intro's platform fees.

Your Simplified Home for Paid Group Calls, Programs and 1:1s
AI-powered video calls up to 100k people. Clients self-schedule time to your calendar, and you get paid automatically with Venmo or PayPal.

Are you an expert with a treasure trove of knowledge? A solopreneur seeking to turn your passion into profit? You can try it out today at Bookvid.