Instagram Co-Founders Launch Innovative AI-Powered News App

Instagram Co-Founders Launch Innovative AI-Powered News App

Artifact, the news app developed by Instagram founders, aims to help you find the most informative free news stories and use AI to summarize the stories for quick reading.

What's unique about Artifact?: The main goal, according to the Instagram co-founders, is to provide users with control and personalization over the news displayed in their feeds.

Additionally, the app offers the following exciting features.

  • Connect your contacts to see what's popular in your network.
  • Get stats on your reading history.
  • A thumbs-down feature so you can tell Artifact the type of articles you don't like.
  • Users can mark articles as clickbait, signaling Artifact to reduce the prevalence of misleading content in future articles.
  • Rewrite clickbait headlines using AI to make them factual.
  • Summarize an article for quick reading and sharing.

The app is currently in the early stages, and users can anticipate the introduction of additional features in the months ahead.

AI and generative AI will be used more to improve the app, reduce clickbait articles and bring different levels of engagement with news.

How to get it: The Artifact app is available on both iOS and Android to all users.

The best articles, tailored to you.